I AM...
...exhausted after the weekend of working on the Ash Wednesday banners. I am tired, too. The exhausting part is trying to figure things out on this first group and worrying that something will be wrong or missing.
...excited and anxious to see the group up on the wall in the sanctuary. It will definitely make a big, bold statement. Here at home I cannot see any of it hanging or it all together, I am curious to see how well I measured and if everything will be straight and hang correctly.
...surprised at how BIG everything really is. The big back banner (layer 1) is huge! And then then everything else is big, too. My house is not big enough to work on more than one of the tasks for each group at a time - so hopefully it will get warmer and I can move to the garage soon. I will need Steve's help for some things, too as I know he has his big work studio.
...concerned - the first group has taken longer than the others to come (I hope) - to do a group like this each week will take time, effort, teamwork, prayer, faith. I am confident we will get all of this done, we just need to keep on everything and work together. We may need to recruit some help in putting the big banners together.
...amused by the results of our sawtooth piece for the big banner. The first attempt is curled and dried up - it actually looks like a crown all rolled up. The second attempt was better but is big, clunky and has hot glue stains on it. Third time is a charm.
...Greatful! We are only just at the beginning of the Lenten season, but I am so glad to be working on this project. I am excited to see the banners up on the wall tomorrow night.