He is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn over all creation.
For by Him all things were created:
things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,
whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;
all things were created by Him and for Him.Colossians 1:15-16 (NIV)

Here is a shot of the display panels that were created to display the artwork and other stuff from our "I AM" journey. It is currently in my garage and go to the church Tuesday night and be set up in the back corner of the narthex (by the photo board) - hopefully the weather will cooperate as it has been either too windy or rainy for moving the panels
I am so pleased with the panel unit - although the front panel currently is kind of boring - changing out the color of the paper to black will do the trick.

This is the first spread - it starts out with an invitation to the display, the I AM stuff and the IF stuff.

Here is the Light and Gate spread.

Here is the Vine and the Way, Truth, Life spread - I still have some trimming to do on this and the previous spread.

Here is the King panel, and also you can see how thin the panels can squeeze together, now I can get my car in the garage.

This spread is about the Living Bread and on the second panel there is info and some pix of folks at Steve's working on the ribbon weaving on the small banners - and then there is an example of our painting technique with the layers of pattern, plastic, tulle, paint and glitter. I still need to add some notes and pix about the painting at the bottom of that panel.

The Veil gets a spread all for itself - and I will print out the pix on the left side to be bigger. On the other panel I will let down some of the crepe paper so the guy with the horn will be behind it.

Here is the Living Water and paraments spread.

The last spread is the kids names and some info about Easter Sunday - there are pix of the names in the potted plants and the scripture about the Jesus being the Name above every name.
The Easter Sunday display includes an invitation to visit the sanctuary, the picture board, Easter season services and the blog to continue with the display.
I have some bookmarks with the question "Who do YOU say I AM" and the blog address for people to take away. There are also some little pieces of colored paper, pens and push pins for people to add their answer to the front panel - the paper is all different bright colors, so that will help make that front panel more interesting, too.

And here it is all closed and ready to go.
The panels are a made from black foam board - the stands are wood dowel rods and some decking parts -and then the panels are assembled together by sliding the dowels into slots on the sides of the foam board - the panels are then held together with binder clips (this allows flexibility for the size of the display).
I have attached the information for this specific I AM display with more binder clips and tacky putty (so not to damage the foam board) so they will be able to be used again.
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