for what she needs for the Messenger.
Joe, you mentioned yesterday something about more emphasis on the "you" and less on the "who" - I can make those adjustments and any others for the actual artwork for the banners. Just let me know.
It would be very helpful for us to have your comments on the emphasis on the words for the other statements.
Also, if you have thoughts on how the words are grouped together and broken into different lines - I work with editors and they do the same thing to make sure the artwork not only looks good but the message "reads" well.
ReplyDeleteThis is terrific. Thanks for doing this. Looks like you were up into the wee hours of the morning. I hope you are coping with Çlaude's expiring.
I have already purchased nice white trigger I was planning would be used for the "I am' segment of the configuration I had sketched. Let's plan to use this for the white rendition of the center wall banner. In other words, do not purchase satin for the white. Will this work for you?
Then there is the issue of the acrylic createx paint and the matching glitter. I assumer we will go monchromatic with the paint and the glitter, i.e., gold glitter for yellow, green glitter for green, etc.
I will get the prices on these as well. I am thinking that a pint of paint should be enough of each color versus a quart. It was pints of the gold that I ordered three years ago correct? you also mentioned that you had some left over? How much Thus must be the gold color, right?
I would like to order the crepe paper for the veil but need the perimeter dimensions of the ceiling triangle and the distance from this triangle to the floor. I will do some costing and report back on this blog- We need to keep a handle on expenses for all of this. It could get out of hand.